Bee Removal New Iberia, LA | Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets
New Iberia Bee Control & Extermination
Bro’s Pest Control specializes in bee removal New Iberia, LA. Bro’s Pest Control is your connection to safe bee removal and extermination services in the New Iberia area. Exterminators within our network specialize in: wasp control, hornet control, bee swarm removal and bee removal. Pest control services can also include sealing off the entrances and exits, repairs from hive and damage, as well as traps. Bee’s can pose danger, especially if a loved one is allergic. Contact Bro’s Pest Control today to control your bee problem in the New Iberia area.
For Bee Control New Iberia, Louisiana Call, 1-888-497-9069
Specialized Bee Removal & Extermination
Bro’s Pest Control professionals can help you with all different bee problems including:
Removal of hives, bee swarm removal, yellow jacket removal, hornet removal, bumble bee removal and various of bee removal jobs. Bee removal New Iberia, LA experts will come out to your home or business and remove unwanted bee’s safely and at a reasonable price. Same day appointments for bee removal can be scheduled, if needed. Ready for bee control New Iberia, LA? Contact us today by calling 1-888-497-9069.
Bee, Wasp & Hornet Treatment
Bee, wasp or hornet treatment New Iberia, LA will require one of our bee specialists to come out to your home to perform a free inspection. They will arrive fully equipped to eliminate your bee issue. The bee exterminator will identify the location of the nest, depending on the type of stinging insect problem you have, and eliminate/remove the problems to protect your family’s health and safety. In the case of a hornets nest, the technician will treat the nest and return to remove it after insuring that all the pests have been killed.
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax. For bee removal New Iberia, LA — contact us today!
Bee Extermination New Iberia, Louisiana
Assuming the bee's in question are not honeybee's, a Bro's Pest Control expert can exterminate them. Every year, beekeepers are called upon to give advice regarding the removal of honey bees (and other insect pests) from homes and buildings since honey bees are NOT to be exterminated. Honey Bee removal on the other hand, includes relocating the bee's to a different location. If you have a bumble bee, wasp or yellow jacket bee problem in New Iberia, LA -- then extermination can be done. For wasp, bumble bee, hornet or yellow jacket extermination New Iberia, LA -- please get in touch with Bro's Pest Control today!
New Iberia, Louisiana
New Iberia (Spanish: Nueva Iberia, French: La Nouvelle-Ibérie) is a small city in and the parish seat of Iberia Parish, Louisiana, United States.[1] Located 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Lafayette.
In 1900, 6,815 people lived in New Iberia; in 1910, 7,499; and in 1940, 13,747. The population was 32,623 at the 2000 census and 30,617 in 2010, a decrease of 2,006, or 6.2 percent, over the past decade.[2]
Hornets (insects in the genera Vespa and Provespa) are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their close relatives yellowjackets. Some species can reach up to 5.5 cm (2.2 in) in length. They are distinguished from other vespine wasps by the relatively large top margin of the head and by the rounded segment of the abdomen just behind the waist. Worldwide, there are 22 recognized species of Vespa,[1] and three species of Provespa, which are unique amongst hornets in being nocturnal.[2] Most species only occur in the tropics of Asia, though the European hornet (Vespa crabro), is widely distributed throughout Europe, Russia, North America and Northeast Asia. Wasps native to North America in the genus Dolichovespula are commonly referred to as hornets (e.g. baldfaced hornets), but are actually yellowjackets.
Like other social wasps, hornets build communal nests by chewing wood to make a papery pulp. Each nest has one queen, who lays eggs and is attended by workers who, while genetically female, cannot lay fertile eggs. Most species make exposed nests in trees and shrubs, but some (like Vespa orientalis) build their nests underground or in other cavities. In the tropics, these nests may last year-round, but in temperate areas, the nest dies over the winter, with lone queens hibernating in leaf litter or other insulative material until the spring.