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Bed Bug Control Groton Long Point, CT | Expert Bed Bug Exterminators

Bed Bug Exterminator Groton Long Point, CT

Bed Bug Control Groton Long Point, CT — professional extermination by a Bro’s Pest Control approved expert. Do you think that you may have a bed bug problem in your Groton Long Point, CT home? Oh no! Don’t wait too long, it’s best to contact a bed bug exterminator as soon as you notice you have a problem. If your not sure, there are some things you can do on your own before you schedule service.

Bed Bug Exterminator Groton Long Point, ConnecticutDon’t worry, bed bugs are a common household problem and we’ve got you covered. Our partnered bed bug pest control Groton Long Point, CT specialists can eliminate your bed bug problem quickly! It’s important to understand that bed bugs do not just invade your bed.. but they can live literally anywhere! Behind light switches, under the baseboards, in dresser drawers and yes, on your bed too. That’s why, if you suspect a bed bug invasion — call the pro’s before they spread even more where it may become a very expensive problem.

To Contact Us, Please Call 1-855-661-3672 Now!

Bed Bug Treatment Groton Long Point, CT

A Groton Long Point bed bug expert exterminator will know how to determine if bed bugs are actually in your home. There are several different treatments to meet your needs that you pest control company Groton Long Point, CT may or may not offer. These include:

  • Spray PesticidesBed Bugs Groton Long Point, Connecticut
  • Heat Treatment / Steam
  • Structural Fumigation
  • Freezing
  • Powder
  • Mattress & Box Spring Encasement’s

Contact Bro’s Pest Control for bed bug extermination Groton Long Point, Connecticut. We look forward to assisting you with finding a reputable and affordable pest control expert.

Check For Bed Bugs, Where to Look

Bed Bug Control Groton Long Point, CTBefore you contact a bed bug exterminator in Groton Long Point, CT it’s best to already know whether bed bugs are in your home. Since bed bugs need to feed on warm-blooded animals to survive, you’ll usually find them in close proximity. In the bedroom, you can look at the box springs, headboards, mattress and framing. You’ll also find them on your favorite recliner, couch, curtains, as well as in the car.

If you’ve been bitten by what you suspect as bedbugs, look over the bites. Are they raised, red welts? Do they burn and itch? Is there a straight line of multiple bites? Unfortunately, bed bugs bites look similar to those caused by fleas and mosquitoes, but don’t worry. If you’re not sure that you have bed bugs, but need peace of mind— contact Bro’s Pest Control today to get in touch with local bed bud exterminators Groton Long Point, CT.

Schedule Bed Bug Inspection & Treatment

Bed Bug Extermination Cost Groton Long Point, CT

We’ll let you know from the beginning, bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate but in the right hands, your home will be thoroughly cleaned and protected from further bed bug infestations. The cost, usually reflects this.

In many cases, bed bug removal Groton Long Point, CT have cost homeowners anywhere from $500 to $1500 to remove. For an inspection, you may also be charged a fee with most local pest control companies in Groton Long Point, CT. Call to schedule a beg bug inspection Groton Long Point, CT by calling 1-855-661-3672.

Bed Bugs Useful Information

Did you know that if you’ve intercepted bed bugs, you can use rubbing alcohol to instantly kill the bed bug(s) and egg(s)?

Bed bugs can live up to 6 to 12 months with out blood feeding! This is what makes bed bug extermination more difficult.

Adult bedbugs reach 5 mm-7 mm in length, while nymphs (juveniles) are as small as 1.5 mm.